Monday, April 2, 2007

maybe I am not really cut out for this blog thing. I have a hard time even getting signed into blogger, and by the time I do I am out of the time I have alloted myself to be on the computer.
Anyway i really started this to be a log of my knitting so i guess i can do that.
On the needles
1 pair socks for my giant foot (size 17) son
1 pair for my hubby (size 12)
3 pair for me in verious stages
1 sweater for me ~~Sonnet from knitty~~ love this

We are in the middle of kidding season, have 11 babies on the ground right now. 2 we will keep, 6 will be sold this weekend and the other 3 where born last night.

well off th get my day going.

Labels: knitting
by Aunt Jeri